This series has so far been a big surprise for me in that I love it and was not sure that I would. Everyone I know who read the series thought it was boring and didn’t like Aelin. The favorite amongst most when it comes to Sarah J. Maas is ACOTAR, which I do love. But, I have to say that I love Throne of Glass even more. I said it! “My name is Courtney Webb and I officially love Throne of Glass even more than ACOTAR and I will not be afraid”. Side note, the ending of Heir of Fire being a mirror and full circle to what Sam told Aelin in The Assassin’s Blade, “My name is Aelin Ashryver Galathnyius and I am not afraid” was just the perfect callback to Sam’s death being the catalyst for everything changing in Aelin’s life to her accepting herself for who she is, just as Sam did. Literary genius.

Everyone on the internet seems to either love this series or not have been able to finish the series. I AM NOT ONE OF THEM! I do think outside of it just not being for them, this injustice is due to not reading The Assassin’s Blade first. There are A LOT of feelings about in which order of the series to read this prequel, I listened to everyone and didn’t read it until between Crown on Midnight and Heir of Fire and I COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH THIS ORDER! I was about to quit reading the series myself, because there were so many names I didn’t know and there was zero emotional stake for me until I read the prequel. THEN I was completely hooked and everything made sense to me. And I’m so glad I stuck around and read it because this is now one of my top 3 favorite series of all time.

Now to discuss Heir of Fire specifically, this book reminded me a lot of A Court of Silver Flames in that they are both somewhat redemptive stories in their own ways and we learn more backstory for the characters that explains who they are a bit more. Nesta and Aelin also both start off as a hot messes who are grieving deeply and wind up in boot camp with military experts who become love interests. They both become formidable leaders with real talent and skill when they come out the other side of their healing journeys.

I love Aelin’s character. She is stubborn, difficult, cunning, ruthless, all with a heart of gold. She always does the right thing. Her ruthlessness comes out in response to wanting revenge or justice for those she loves most. I consider myself a pacifist but MAN do I want her to give Arobynn what he has coming. Also, can we talk about the similarities between Aelin and Elsa from Frozen?! They both have golden blonde hair, strikingly blue eyes, were told by their parents to hide their powers because they would be hunted for them, and then lost their parents very young and had shame growing up for who they were?! Aelin is basically Elsa but with fire instead of ice.

Rowan is truly her equal and they both have similar temperaments. I appreciate that Rowan doesn’t balk when Aelin throws verbal jabs in the heat of the moment. He doesn’t take her shit. He is compassionate and there for her when she is struggling but he doesn’t cater to her temper tantrums. Aelin isn’t afraid of Rowan and doesn’t cower when he is a grumpy brute.

Manon Blackbeak. Talk about amazing side characters/stories. This is among the best. I normally hate side stories but I was so invested in her! And I can’t wait for her story to merge with Aelin’s. She is such an interesting character and her journey to finding Abraxos was SO cool! She seems a lot like Aelin in that she is ruthless and a badass but is fair and just.

Chaol and Dorian’s storyline with Aedion was also interesting. Chaol and Aedion working together while also trying to remain discrete kept me on my toes, because the king seems a lot like Arobynn in that he’s always two steps ahead of everyone and I kept waiting for it to blow up in everyone’s face. And it did in the most epic but heartbreaking way at the end. I loved Sorscha! And I loved her with Dorian. They reminded me a lot of how Sam and Aelin were. Sorscha and Sam were such sweet and good hearted characters that were killed in horrible ways right before they were going to run away together. Dorian will also likely work through the guilt on top of the grief for her death like Aelin did with Sam. And then to end with Dorian being collared into possession by his own father?! Chef’s kiss, SJM. I have a feeling Queen of Shadows will be even better since Heir of Fire seemed to have a lot of set up. 5 out of 5 stars. Loved!


Queen of Shadows


A Court of Frost and Starlight